Curbs & Deck Mount Skylights

Curbs and deck mounted skylights can provide natural light and are economically friendly options for homeowners. Although nearly visually similar, they both have distinctive traits. Curb mounted skylights are more common among buildings and homes.  The design of a curb mounted skylight is built with a box structure for the skylight to sit on, flashed with waterproof materials, these are easier to replace than the deck mounted skylights, and is also more economically friendly than deck mounted skylights. Deck mounted skylights have a lower profile, making them appear more “clean” and flushed. This hugging feature extends a home or building’s energy efficiency, which in turn, helps to reduce the bills in existing houses. As well as reduces installation labor. Although both popular choices, Pratt-N-Sons Roofing is educated and understands the difference between each skylight and can help our customers find the right one for their needs and home.


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If you are getting any roofing done, you owe it to yourself to speak to Pratt-N-Sons Roofing before moving forward on your project.

-  Devin

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